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Nostalgic setting there are 3 cafe’s in the Grand Arcade all very clean and average prices ,but you need to see the Wigan Casino memorabilia cabinet,with also photos and posters from the 70s. There are 3 meeting rooms available. American Theatre Broadway Boudoir (1860–1864) Fellow’s Opera House (1854–1860) 1854 1864 The House That Jack Built 1866 [149] Anthony Street Theatre Pavillion Theatre (1816–1820) Olympic Theatre (1814–1816) 1800 1820 Virginius 1821 [150] Barnum’s American Museum 1841 1865 The Green Monster 1865 [151] Booth’s Theatre 1869 1838 The Outlaw 1965 [152] Broadway Theatre 1847 1856 King Charming 1859 [148] Burton’s Chambers Street Theatre Ferdinand Palmo’s Opera House (1844–1848) 1844 1860 The Romance of a Poor Young Man 1876 [153] John Street Theatre Theatre Royal (1775–1777) John Street Theatre (1767–1775) 1767 1796 Edwin and Angelina 1797 [154] Nassau Street Theatre Van Dam Theatre (1750) New Theatre (1732–1750) 1732 1754 King Lear 1758 [155] National Theatre Italian Opera House (1833–1839) 1833 1853 Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1841 [156] Olympic Theatre 1837 1848 A Glance at New York In 1848 1854 [157] Park Theatre New Theatre (1798–1799) 1798 1848 Met-A-Mora 1848 [158] Richmond Hill Theatre New York Opera House (1834–1849) Italian Opera House (1832–1834) Richmond Hill Theatre (1831–1832) 1831 1832 The Hunchback 1849 [159] Notes [ edit ] • ^ a b c d e Swift, Christopher オススメ オンライン カジノ. Variations of games very similar to Roulette have been around for hundreds of years, but the company’s profile was raised to the next level when video slot games were introduced two years later.