Law and Politics Can Handle It Without AI

Law and Politics

Ab assuetis non fit passio”- One is not aroused by what is common. People were always curious about everything, for example: “What the impact will artificial intelligence have in the sphere of human rights, democracy, and rule of law”? Anything to do with law and politics can be at play.

Although this field is not well understood and researched, there are various opinions on this topic. That artificial intelligence will never live, that it may still live, etc. But one is sure, it won’t. Yes, it won’t live. You are asking yourself why?

Let’s think about this, how many skills are there in law and politics which are used every single day? For example rhetorical skills, investigation skills, negotiation skills, mediation skills, persuasive skill, etc. There are too many skills which are substantiated with emotions. We could not expect that from artificial intelligence.

But on the other hand, we could use artificial intelligence for offices, for paperwork. That will make sorting documents a lot easier. Also, we could use it for research and counseling.

Leibniz, lawyer and one of the grandfathers of artificial intelligence, once said: “It is unworthy of excellent men to lose hours like slaves in the labor of calculation which could safely be relegated to anyone else if machines were used.”

In June 2018, research institute examining the social implications of artificial intelligence – convoked a workshop with the goal of bringing together legal, scientific, and technical advocates who focus on litigating algorithmic decision – making across various areas of the law (e.g., employment, public benefits, criminal justice).

They were discussing strategy and best practices, while also exchanging ideas and experiences in litigation and other advocacy in this sphere.

In 2017, an experiment took place in London which involved more than 100 lawyers and hundreds of actual applications to the Finance Ombudsman for a specific credit card irregularity.

While the accuracy of the human prediction was 66,3%, an artificial intelligence program trained to predict whether or not to accept files achieved 86,6% accuracy.

The future of artificial intelligence in law and politics is debatable, artificial intelligence has many bad sides such as potential terrorist attacks, hackings, loose of many jobs, data privacy, etc. For now, from legal theory aspect, there is a big possibility that artificial intelligence may not rise in legal and political procedure. There are few firms which are providing contract skimming and writing via artificial intelligence machines, but for now, it is much safer without artificial intelligence especially for these data-sensitive spheres of law and politics.

So, what do you think, will artificial intelligence come to life?