Inside every law firm, there is a team put together by lawyers and legal consultants. Both have the same knowledge of the law, but what ties them together is a law firm consultant. These people work together with the legal consultants and the lawyers as advisors to the firm.
The Objectives
A law firm consultant works anywhere from two to five days out of the week and can spend an hour and a half to two hours with the sole practitioner or the team. Their goal in mind is first to learn everything they can about the law firm, background, staff, and what the firm’s plans have for the future.
Outlining the Plans
Once the goals are figured out, they come up with an outlined idea of who will go through interviews and the topics which will be discussed. The outline will also give the consultant an idea of how long they need to plan for scheduled meetings. Many are done throughout several meetings. This portion of the sessions can take place either in person or over the phone. The actual interviews are done in person the majority of the time.
Before the Consultation Begins
Before the law firm consultants carry on with the meetings, they first contact around six to ten of the law firm’s clients, either former or current. They gather all the information they can from the client’s perspective to get a better idea if the advice needed to be addressed. The consultants will go through the likes and dislikes of each individual and put it into another outline form for the firm to review. They will also check out the clients’ opinions on if they would refer the law firm to others in need and how well they were represented.
Interviewing the Staff
Next, the consultants put their eyes on the law firm’s staff to see the dynamics and issues the staff faces daily and what they can do to advise them through the situations. They will then create around 50 to 100-page book of guidelines or a video for the law firm’s owner and partners if there are any involved. Everything is reviewed with a fine-tooth comb, and no stone is left unturned. This gives the consultants all the information they need to go to the next step, which is the actual consultation sessions.
Recapping All the Information
The consultants then go back to their home base offices to review all the data obtained and go over different ways to address all they have learned about the firm. They will discuss everything as a team to come up with different ideas and opinions. Some of the most important topics they will consider are intake, case management, marketing, and whether or not the law firm will need to come up with more partners. Once this is done, they will come up with a final analysis, which can be as little as 40 pages up to 100 pages long.
Getting Back with The Law Firm To Review
Once everything is put on paper, and the consultants have a bird’s eye view of everything they need to know, they will get back in touch with the law firm over two or three sessions to discuss their findings. The law firm consultants will then hand out all the recommendations and put them in front of the law firm to debate on the priorities first. When they find out what is most important, they discuss ways to keep what is right and do away with the bad. They also go over ways to better the firm. These meetings can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour over one or more sessions. It depends on the data obtained.
Everything in Writing
When all parties available come to an agreement, everything is put into writing, and everything becomes legally binding. The law firm consultants are the outsiders looking in. It is not necessary that the law firm has to go along with everything the consultants advise them to do. About 99 percent of the material discussed will be agreed upon. It is in good faith that everyone has to reach an agreement at the end of the last session. Once all parties agree, all forms will be signed by the involved law firm members, and the law firm consultants’ job is completed until they are needed again for any upcoming issues.
A Job Well Done
Everyone needs advice at times, especially at the beginning of a law firm business. The law firm owners, lawyers, and staff finds once the law firm consultants are finished with their side of things, things run so much more smoothly as the business progresses. It is always better to get the kinks out in the beginning. That is what law firm consultants do best.